Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Introduction to my blog

Plastic surgery is one of the biggest things in hollywood with the stars. It seems as though most of them believe once they reach a certain age or they believe they are getting wrinkles, they decide that it is time for them to do something surgical about it. Is this really necessary? Is it necessary to make yourself look younger when you reach a certain age and get rid of the marks of aging? Would these stars have gotten surgery if they werent famous? Would they think differently if they werent in the spot light all the time? These are just some of the topics I will be covering in my blogs to come. Does hollywood bring on a certain kind of thinking all on its own?


  1. I can't wait to see where your blog takes you. All I can think of when I read your first entry is "Michael Jackson"!

  2. That's funny because my oldest son always asked my why Jackson looked so much like a girl. I had to tell him that he didn't always look like that. I searched up some older pics of him, and the only thing he said was, "what was wrong with him then?" Sadly, I didn't have an answer for him other than he didn't feel good about himself.
